Help Our K-9s
Protecting members of law enforcement by providing needed financial support and equipment are just two of the goals of STAND T.A.L.L., a NC 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
We continually receive requests from K-9 departments throughout western NC asking for a variety of K-9 equipment and supplies. To meet those requests, we need your financial support.
Examples of some of the K-9 Equipment that your funds have helped us provide:
· A New K-9 dog for the HCSO
· Tuition for an HPD K-9 & Handler to Attend a 16-Week K-9 Certification Training School
· K-9 Protective Bulletproof & Slash-resistant Vests
· K-9 Field Medical Trauma Kits
· K-9 Bite Suit & Bite Sleeve for Aggression Training
· K-9 Drug Wall for Narcotic Scent Training
· A K-9 specific Agility Park for Built for Ongoing Training
· Collars, Leashes and Harnesses
· Hydration Packs & Collapsible Water Dishes
· NARCAN for Treating K-9 & human exposure to narcotics, particularly Fentanyl & Cocaine
· Narcotic Safe Kit for Transporting Drugs for Training Scent Free
· K-9 Chain Link 10x10 Pens with Covers & Outdoor Dog Houses
· Magnetic Narcotic “Stash” Boxes for Scent Tracking Training
· Protective Helmet with Faceguard for Decoy Training

Real Life Example
The Columbus Police Department authorized the formation of their new K-9 corps and allocated the money necessary to purchase and train Dino, a Belgian Malinois, and the newest member of the Department. CPD didn’t however, have the necessary funds to purchase a protective vest for the 14-month old Dino.
Sgt. Cody Gordon, who will be heading the CPD K-9 corps, spoke to his K-9 counterpart at the Hendersonville Sheriff’s Department, Lt. Kevin Holden who suggested that he (Gordon) contact Sharon Hanson, vice President of STAND T.A.L.L. Ms. Hanson previously led the effort in Henderson County to raise funds for a total of eight protective K-9 vests for all the dogs of the HCSO K-9 corps.
Sgt. Gordon called and spoke to Ms. Hanson, and quickly realized that she is an avid animal lover. He explained the department’s need of a vest. Ms. Hanson received approval from the STAND T.A.L.L. Board of Directors and is taking the lead in the effort to raise funds for the K-9 vest. These vests are very expensive, costing $1,900 each. Every vest is custom fit and features the latest in lightweight, bullet-proof, slash and puncture-resistant technology. Dino’s vest will provide him with an added layer of protection when he and Sgt. Gordon are on duty patrolling together.
When asked about the offer from STAND T.A.L.L., Sgt. Gordon said, “This is incredible. We’re so fortunate to have an organization like STAND T.A.L.L. that not only supports what we in law enforcement do, but is willing to step up and raise the funds needed for our K-9’s vest. I and the department can’t thank them enough for what they are doing to assist us.”